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Is Virtual Reality the Future of Training?

We’ve finally achieved what science fiction dreamed of. Virtual reality, the ability to create computerised worlds that feel like our own, is a very real and available technology. The first way we can imagine it transforming our lives is by providing entertainment, but how about the uses of virtual reality training for education?

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What are the most common misspelt words on Google?

At the top of the list of words people commonly misspell is separate. With 92,000 Google searches for “seperate” in the last month, it’s clear to see that many people fall victim to replacing the first A with an E. It appears that people have more trouble spelling zucchini than they do cooking it! There were a whopping 61,200 Google searches with the incorrect spelling last month alone. The three most popular spellings were zuchini (37,000 Google searches), zuccini (21,000) and zucini (2,400).

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Why study online?

It seems that there are no limitations when it comes to the benefits of being able to access content online. Millions of students and professionals from all over the world are taking advantage of the internet in the pursuit of educating themselves in one way or another, through watching tutorials and courses you can study online. The traditions associated with education systems are continuously being challenged for their effectiveness when it comes to offering value for money and the ability to tailor your education to suit your lifestyle.

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